Poutama Transition to School

Poutama Transition to School

At Te Ākau ki Pāpāmoa School we have Cohort Entry for 5-year-olds.

Children are able to start school in cohorts/groups after they have turned 5.

There will be two entry points per term:

  • the first day of the Term
  • the first day of Week 6

Our Transition to School Leader, Tegan White, will be in touch once you have enrolled, to set up school visits.

If you would like to discuss your child’s enrolment further, please feel free to call the office on 07 5422447 to make a time with one of the Senior Leadership Team.

Our Transition to School framework is called Poutama.

This is the step between Early Childhood Education and our school classrooms.  The purpose of this class is for children to learn about the routines and expectations at school, and for us to get to know them.  When they show readiness, we may then transition them into one of the other new entrant/Year 1 classes for the rest of the year.

Poutama Framework for transition to school

Enrolment Application

All field with * are required.

Student Details

Main Caregiver 1

All invoices will be sent to caregiver 1 unless specified

Main Caregiver 2

School Whānau

Shared Care Arrangements

Please email any custody/shared care arrangements documentation affecting the student.

Court Details

Please email any court orders affecting the student.

Other Caregiver

Other Caregiver

Emergency Contact 1

Living in Tauranga/Pāpāmoa (other than caregivers listed above)

Emergency Contact 2

Living in Tauranga/Pāpāmoa (other than caregivers listed above)


New Entrant Enrolments

To be completed for students who ARE new entrant

Early Childhood Education Facility Attended

Previous Education

To be completed for students who ARE NOT new entrant

Learning Support

Additional Information

Student Background

Eligibility for Enrolment

To be completed for students who are NOT born in New Zealand

Te Ākau ki Pāpāmoa Parent Permissions

In terms of the Privacy Act, I understand that this information on this form is collected to form part of the essential information the school holds on a child. The records made from this information may be viewed on request at the school. I approve the forwarding of the information when my child transfers to another school. I further approve the forwarding of my child's name and address on request to a potential intermediate or secondary school.I understand that the school will take action on my behalf in case of sudden illness or injury, and I agree to abideby school policies.

Te Ākau ki Pāpāmoa School has access to quality ICT equipment and resources. This incorporates numerous personal computers, phones, faxes, copiers, digital cameras and associated network facilities.
The use of the school's ICT equipment is a privilege and as such the equipment must be treated with respect.
I agree that the following guidelines will be observed by my child:
* My child will seek permission from the teacher before using IT equipment and the Internet.
* My child will access the Internet for learning only and not download any software.
* My child will keep food and drink away from all ICT equipment and use the equipment with care.
* My child will seek help from a teacher if there is a problem with the ICT equipment or inappropriate or offensive materials.
* My child will not bring any data collection devices to school (CDs, Discs, and USB flash drives).

As guardian of this child, I authorise Te Akau ki Papamoa School to publish my child's work and/or photo in the school newsletter, on the school website, school social media, or other educational websites deemed appropriate by the school. I understand that my child's first name and year or room number only would be published on these web sites to prevent easy identification.

iPad Indemnity

To be completed to allow access to school owned iPads

To ensure the care of iPads according to our school iPad licences and digital safety practises are adhered to when using the iPad I agree to the following:

  • My child understands that their iPad is for learning purposes
  • I will support any decisions made by the school in relation to the use of the iPad for my child.
  • I understand that if the iPad is damaged, lost or stolen that I am liable for its replacement.

Internet Access

Supporting Documents


Kia ora,

Thank you for your enrolment. You've made a great choice!

One of our Senior Leadership team will be in contact to process your enrolment.

Ngā mihi.
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.