He Kākano

He Kākano

He Kākano is our school's own place-based curriculum, which is being shaped and developed with consultation with mana whenua - Ngā Pōtiki.  This is the framework through which we deliver the New Zealand Curriculum, in alignment with the current NZC refresh.

The He Kākano Framework consists of three pou:


We understand that everything is interconnected and we are strong in our identities, cultures and languages.


We enhance our connection to this whenua through learning experiences provided at the sites of significant places in our local rohe (area).


We have a deep understanding and connection to the taiao (environment), and understand our essential role as kaitiaki.

Te Reo Māori

Te Reo Māori is a taonga, and is guaranteed protection under Te Tiriti o Waitangi.  We are committed to honouring the special place of te reo Māori as the indigenous language of Aotearoa, New Zealand.  We ensure that te reo Māori is valued and sustained as a living language in Aotearoa, and woven throughout our teaching and learning programmes.